Make It With Your Own Hands

Handmade Bookmarks

This week’s Wrap It Up Wednesday 2016 gift idea is a handmade gift.  Some people have the misconception that if they make something the gift won’t be as valuable because it doesn’t cost as much.  We find this can be so untrue!   Sometimes it is less expensive to do it yourself (DIY). Other times it is more expensive to gather all the supplies you need and make a gift yourself.  Not only that, but making the gift you are giving can be time consuming… and we all know time is money.  So please don’t think that just because you make something for someone that it won’t be valued.  Many people can appreciate the time and money spent on a handmade gift and will cherish and remember it even more.

Handmade Disney Bookmarks

Today, however, we are picturing a gift that will likely only cost your time. This assumes that you already have some paper to use and something to draw and color with. Recently we had some fun making bookmarks for those people on our list who we are giving books to.  I admit this is just me scratching a personal itch.  Over the years it has become annoying to me how much bookmarks cost.  The same goes for greeting cards, but that will have to be another post for some other day.

Making a bookmark is just one example of a handmade gift that you could give someone for Christmas this year. Handmade jewelry like bracelets, necklaces, or earrings are some ideas you might think about giving this year.  Handmade wood items are also popular to make.  You could make a frame, bookends, or a piece of yard art.  Speaking of art, draw a picture and you can easily put it on a mug,  canvas, or mouse pad and give it as a gift.  Baked goods are another popular handmade gift that I’ve often received and enjoy.

I think handmade gifts are a great way to personalize a gift Tweet: Handmade gifts are a great way to personalize a gift. making it inspirational or perhaps funny.  I always appreciate and remember a personalized gift.  To me it shows that thought and love was put into the gift.

Maybe you don’t have a do it yourself bone in your body.  Maybe you think you don’t have an ounce of creative energy in you.  In this case (although I doubt it is true), I recommend doing a little shopping at local craft shows or perhaps take a look at Etsy.


Here are some of my finds from doing a little bit of shopping at craft shows this year.  This is a pair of earrings I bought for $12.  One thing I like about them is that while I was browsing the woman who made them said, “Yes, I like to make things that are unusual.” This is a reminder to me that everyone has a different perspective.  To me there really isn’t anything terribly unusual about them.  I picked them out for the exact opposite reason.  I thought they looked like a neutral pair of earrings that I could wear with lots of different outfits. (Perhaps that was just part of her spiel and she says it no matter what a person picks up.)  Another one of my jewelry buys was this ring made from the handle of an old piece of flatware.

wp-1480958248800.jpgThis ring also has a little story to go with it.  I like it because it reminds me that I don’t have to get everything perfect on my first try.  Also, to me it is a whimsical piece that makes me smile.

I bought a flu bomb made from essential oils which ended up leading me to a Twelve Sprays of Christmas make and take party.  Earlier in the fall at another craft show, I bought a Frankenstein made from wood which went nicely with some wood pumpkins that I already had.

As you might guess the problem I have with being a vendor at a craft show is that I sometimes spend my earnings before I even get home.

Maybe you have a handmade gift that you love to give.

Or maybe you have received a handmade gift in that past that touched your heart.

Feel free to comment and tell us all about it.